Dr. Awada’s Statement On Textured Implants

Conveniently Located to Serve Southfield, MI

Breast Implant Illness (BII) falls into a gray area, as there is no science behind it yet to either confirm or deny its existence. Dr. Mariam Awada does not use textured implants. Any patient that has had a breast augmentation in the past and current with Dr. Awada would not have to worry about the BII and can feel safe. As such, we hope to support patients. Breast implant illness (BII) is a subject that is increasingly on the minds of many of our patients. Patients with this condition require and deserve the best possible care and must not be preyed upon by overly aggressive work-up and treatment. There is no diagnostic testing specifically for Breast Implant Illness (BII). This is one of the current areas of focus for the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation that Dr. Awada is a part of, the research arm of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Dr. Awada is leading the technology advancements for picture ASPS patient safety and has represented Michigan as a delegate presenting and advocating for patients to congress. There are tests for autoimmune diseases that can be performed to evaluate for potential causes of a patient’s symptoms. There are patients who have symptoms they attribute to Breast Implant Illness (BII) with positive immune testing and others with all laboratory tests which show no abnormalities.

Dr. Mariam Awada Routinely Performs Breast Implant Removal For Various Reasons And Also Continues To Advocate For Patient Safety.

Examples Of Her Efforts And Reasons To Remove Implants Include:

  1. Older style desiring to upgrade
  2. Weight gain causing a desire to remove and lift
  3. Desire to switch implant to your own fat with fat transfer to the breast from abdomen liposuction
  4. Desire to remove and replace with different size and upgrade
  5. Dr. Awada typically removes implant en bloc with capsule removal. The capsule is the scar tissue around the implants. The capsule or its contents may or may not be sent for pathology.
  6. Currently, a small percentage of implants have been removed and recalled. Dr. Awada is advocating for patient awareness to have their implants removed immediately if they have recalled bio- textured implants associated with a low risk of ALCL, or breast implant illness BII.
  7. Dr. Awada never used bio-textured implants in her career so if you had her perform your surgery then rest assured your implants are FDA approved and still safe. Any patient that has had a breast augmentation in the past and current with Dr. Awada would not have to worry about the bio-textured BII and can feel safe.
  8. Breast implant Removal for ALCL OR BII
  9. Dr. Awada routinely cares for patients who do not know what implant they have to help them determine their risk and whether or not removal is recommended.
  10. Patients who had implants placed by others in the USA, Canada, Michigan may have a risk of ALCL, Or Breast implant illness (BII).
  11. Dr. Awada is a leading patient safety advocate and is using her expertise in Global health care standards, National Health Information Model and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons ASAPS women in plastic surgery developing patient applications.
  12. Dr. Awada is a part of, the research arm of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Dr. Awada has also supported advanced technology for patients on the ASPS patient safety committee.
  13. Dr. Awada continues to be a national advocate and a voice for global plastic surgeons and their patients She has represented Michigan as a delegate to Congress and directly presenting and advocating for patients to congress.

Align Your External And Internal Beauty With Leading Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Awada In Michigan

Birmingham | West Bloomfield | Detroit | Troy | Farmington Hills | Livonia | Royal Oak | Southfield

Michigan Cosmetic Surgery is a trusted aesthetic practice, furnishing women with attentive care from an experienced female doctor. Our practice utilizes a full scope of plastic surgery options, including breast augmentation, tummy tucks, liposuction, facelift, rhinoplasty, and more. We proudly serve patients throughout Michigan.


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