Facelift/Neck Lift

Conveniently located to serve Detroit, Michigan.

If you are looking to “turn back the clock” on your appearance, a facelift or neck lift procedure could make a huge difference. At Michigan Cosmetic Surgery in the Detroit area, facelifts and neck lifts are frequently chosen by patients desiring a reduction in wrinkles, fine lines, and loose, sagging skin (such as jowls).

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mariam Awada has been expertly performing these and other aesthetic procedures for many years. Her goals are always to help you achieve dramatic improvements while simultaneously ensuring your results look natural and not “overdone.”

During your initial consultation, Dr. Awada will examine your symptoms and review your medical history. This will also be an important time to go over your treatment goals and for you to ask any questions you may have. To see if you’re interested in receiving a facelift, neck lift, or both, check out these before and after photos of Dr. Awada’s actual patients!

Contact Us for More Details

If these real Detroit patient facelift and neck lift results look impressive to you, Dr. Awada would love to meet. Contact Michigan Cosmetic Surgery today to set up your initial consultation!